
Archive for October, 2012

Still not sure how to vote or if you should vote? Well, time is ticking away. You have six days to decide. Pam, Katy and I early-voted yesterday. Over 6,000 people in Wilkes County have already voted. I also saw yesterday that according to Gallup Polling, those who have already voted early have broken for Romney 52% to Obama 46%.

But, perhaps you haven’t voted yet or are still undecided if you are going to vote. I want to encourage you to watch this video of Pastor David Jeremiah’s message to his church in California on the topic of this year’s presidential election.

Host ImageYou will also hear Jeremiah talk about coming to North Carolina and talking to Billy Graham and get Billy’s thoughts on the election as well as a conversation Jeremiah had with Franklin Graham in Boone. It’s a fascinating message.

Watch it here…

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Raising Daughters

I’m so blessed to have three wonderful daughters and they are VERY, VERY different from one another and I must tell you raising daughters in this day and age is a wonderful, yet daunting challenge. My oldest, Katy is very careful and thinks before she acts. She really desires to help people. Kandace, is very strong physically and emotionally. She can take out whatever you dish out and she is a lady of her word. Clara is a sweetheart and she is genuinely thoughtful. Here Clara is protecting her brother while they watch the Andy Griffith episode where Opie loses his baseball in the “haunted house.” Can you say, “Sweet!”

Photo: I heard screaming in the den while Clara and Andrew were watching the Haunted House Andy Griffith Show and this is what I see... :)

Here’s a pic of my three lovely daughters with their grandmother, Mary and Pam.

In fact, Kandace just passed her driver’s course.

Photo: Kandace is finished with Driver's Ed! It was crazy watching her drive up beside me! Proud of my sis. She actually likes driving. I still don't! :)

Katy is getting married in 11 days. She had a wonderful bridemaids’ luncheon this past Saturday at Cynthia Brame’s home (hosted with Caroline Kerhoulas)…

Can you believe it when I tell you that A LOT is happening in the Brown household!

I know if you have children or grandchildren, you can attest to the different talents they have as individuals. Kandace is the family photographer. Want to see some of her recent work?

Here she is working hard…

Pretty good, huh?

Well…they grow up in a hurry…

Yes, they are great ladies and I’m blessed and did I mention that I’ve got this little guy too?

That’s Andrew packing candles to take to church for the wedding reception. He worked hard. Yes…I’m blessed all the way around.

Finally, we need to pray for our neighbors in the Northeast who are getting slammed with Hurricane Sandy. We know the Lord God, Creator of the Universe is in control of all things. I pray for His mercy to fall on us. The New York Stock Exchange has 2-3 feet of water on its floor. 3 million+ people are out of power and get this…

NO MATTER THE STORM, America's servicemen are always on duty. Share this image of @[44053938557:274:The U.S. Army]'s Old Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and be thinking about them and about all our troops today.

NO MATTER THE STORM, America’s servicemen are always on duty. Here’s our U.S. Army at work at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” Amazing!

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13 days and counting…

13 days and counting…

You thought I was talking about the wedding didn’t you? 🙂 No, that’s 17 days away. No, I’m talking about the election. Yes, two weeks from today we’ll know who the next President of the United States is going to be. And there are only two potential outcomes.




That’s it. There will be no other alternatives. And the reason I tell you this is because you are going to have to ask yourself, “Which one is going to address our nation’s monumental debt problem?”

So, I’m going to make this post short because I want you to be able to watch a short video that is excellent. Well…yes, it is excellent…but it is dire. It is short and will take the same amount of time for you to watch it as read another 800 words from my typical 1,000 word blog post. It’s 5 1/2 minutes long. Please, please watch it because you and I need to know what we’re up against and the fact is…we are going to have to hurt and suffer in the future if we want to save this nation.

Video: Clarity on the U.S. Budget Crisis

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Well, we are now down to 19 days until the wedding. Hard to believe. To say that things are a little chaotic would be an understatement. As I type, Katy is working on a video for the interlude between the wedding and reception. Pam is steaming runners. I’m getting ready to iron table cloths and Kandace, Clara and Andrew have just finished folding clothes. It’s busy!

But I will tell you that as the wedding day draws ever closer there is a true “bitter/sweetness” that is falling upon me and Pam. Yes, it’s happening to Kandace, Clara and Andrew as well, so I don’t want to diminish all they are feeling. It’s very real and very pronounced. The departure will be hard. Yet, the Lord provides!

Katy blogged last week about her mom and me and well…I would encourage you to read them. They’re not long…but I think you might see greater insight into the nucleus of a very close-knit family…of which I’m grateful.


My Mama carried me for nine long months, she had me, she fed me, bathed me, clothed me, kissed me…. and spanked me.
She was the woman who taught me to read. This woman placed cold wash cloths on my forehead when I was sick. It was by her I learned how to put make-up on my face. She listened to me practice the piano day after day for 10 years. She watched me cry, she watched me laugh. She knew when to hold my hand and when to let me struggle to trust in the Lord on my own. She challenged me and strengthened me.
In the past few months she helped me pick out my wedding dress, and flowers and favors and colors. She laces up my dress, she carries my veil, she holds my roses.
There is no one like my Mama. I know many say that, but I mean it with all of my heart. She isn’t perfect. And we have argued and hurt one another’s hearts. But she loves. She has done what many women would never do. She has shown me how a wife should be, how to trust Jesus. She stands by my Dad and trusts him. She gets up every morning and takes care of us.

My family at the time in my bedroom in c. 2001
Traveling with Mom to get Andrew in 2008

I’ll never forget sitting across from her in the schoolroom and her high voice asking, “What is 4 x 8?” I would drop my head in my hands, “Umm, 36?” She would breathe deeply, ” No, Katy, 32.” I’ll never forget the way she looks in her thick wintry pajamas as she sits on the couch by the Christmas tree drinking coffee, or the way she laughs when something is so funny that she throws her head back and no sound comes out. I’ll never forget how she always loses her sunglasses. I can’t forget her face when she’s mad or her smile when she’s happy. I’ll never forget crying when I didn’t pass a test and her words of encouragement. I’ll always remember her smiles when I exceeded expectations, her standing to clap when I finish performing. I’ll never forget her yelling up the stairs to my room telling me to come set the table.

She’s been so much apart of my life, I can’t imagine it without her. We’re so different, because I’m like Daddy, yet we’re so alike.

In Times Square in January 2012
Mom by my side at my bridal shower Sunday October 7th 2012

I want to be a wife like my Mama. I want to be a Mom like my Mama. I want to be a follower of Jesus like my Mama. For 18 years she has taught me how to fly. In 30 days, she will finally say, “Fly.” I will hold on one last time before I spread my wings and soar. I will never forget. I will always be thankful for the years I had with Pam Brown. I love my Mama.

Mama, thank you. For everything.


Daddy. He is a friend to many, a pastor to some, son to my grandparents, husband to my mom, but Daddy to me… and my siblings. He is David Kevin Brown.
He calls me Kate. He’s the one I’m most like. He is the man who has always been apart of my life. It was his voice I heard every week night as he came in the door with his briefcase. He is the one tall enough to reach things for anyone on the top shelf. He would sit down and listen to all your problems. He would talk to you till kingdom come. He always sang Love Lifted Me over me before bed. He slathered sunscreen over my white shoulders. He made me smile when I was sick. He can still easily shoot three-pointers. He sledded down the hill with me in the winter and camped with me in the summer. He loves pound cake. He kissed the top of my head as I played the piano when I was 8, and he still does even though I’m 18. He prays for me every morning. He loves us. He loves Jesus… and he lives for His Kingdom.

Daddy holding me. Ignore date.. it’s obviously wrong. 🙂

My Daddy, like my Mama, has been there since the start. Maybe since they have always been there I could be accused of taking their faithful presence for granted. I have taken it for granted. My Daddy amazes me. Is he perfect? No. Has he made me mad before? Well, you better believe it! We both like to be “right.” But you can’t stay mad at him long. I’m not sure how, but he makes holding a grudge… boring. My Daddy gives constantly. I rarely ever see him be the “taker.” I remember him saying to me one day, “There are givers and takers in this world. Be a giver.” He is the hardest worker I know. Sometimes he works too hard. Yet, the work is not for fame or wealth, but for the Kingdom. See, Daddy practices what he preaches. He says to believe the Bible, so he acts like he believes it. He stores up treasures in Heaven.

Daddy taught me how to believe. He gave me the keys to more than an education, case of trophies or a nice car. He gave me the keys to success. How’s that? He taught me how to have faith and then he told me that I must choose to believe God. He didn’t say, “Do as I say, not as I do.” He lived it out.
Daddy was the one who I woke up beside in Ethiopia one May night in 2009 on a mission trip. He lay there shaking and delirious. I talked to him, but he didn’t answer. It may have seemed crazy, but at that moment I thought I was going to lose him. I really realized that I need my Dad. I had never been so happy as the day he sat up in the bed and said, “Kate, I feel good today.” We’ve been through it together.

11 months ago I sat on a plane in Sudan on the way to Ethiopia for the second time. I looked out the window at the barren and dry land. I cried. Not because of the poverty out the window, but because I was realizing… God was showing me, that I was in love. Daddy sat by me as I poured out my heart. He listened as I told him how I felt about Josh. And now, less than a year later, he will walk me down the aisle to him.

Kevin Brown has taken care of me for 18 years. He has loved me with all of his heart. He is my protector. He has faithfully and patiently lead me to Jesus. He will give his responsibility over me to my husband. His job will be over. But he will always be my Daddy. I’ll always hug him and love how my head comes right to where his heart is so I can hear it beat. I’ll always remember his devotions before bed, his kisses in the morning. He’ll always be the one who had my heart first.
Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for everything. I’ll always be your little girl.
Well…I’m teary-eyed and that’s ok. Tears are a good thing and yes…right now there are tears of joy and yes, some sadness. We love Josh very much, but that doesn’t change the truth of the hurt that we will feel on November 11th when Katy is gone. Things will never be the same. But, that’s ok. God has ordained this wonderful marriage and thus, Katy will “leave her mother and father and cleave” to Josh! Just as God intended.

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See this…

That’s a check-out aisle in a supermarket and I despise them. I don’t like them for two reasons. The first reason is all the provocative and sensual magazines that are there for my kids to see. (40 years ago many of those magazine covers would have been considered pornography.) Secondly is all the candy and gum found there. It’s a self control nightmare. I have to keep my eyes from staring at those magazines and then I have to help Andrew and Clara from seeing them AND wanting candy and gum. Wow! What a pain!


It’s essential to teach it in this life to our children, and yes…to ME! Do you struggle with self-control? I do. I struggle with telling myself, “NO!” I want to eat too much. I want to sleep too long. I want to skip flossing my teeth. You name it. It’s a struggle.

Take a look at this…

This craft the kids made at church hangs in the homeschool room in our home. I saw it the other day and it struck me. What is it? It’s the “Fruit of the Spirit.” The Bible lists nine “flavors” of the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what they are:

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

I asked Pam, “Why is Self-control at the top of the hanger? Is that on purpose?” She said, “No.” I thought about it and I said, “Well, perhaps it should be.” I’ve thought this for a long time. In fact, I think I read it somewhere (so, it’s not original with me), but if the gist is this…if you have self-control, then you have the other 8.

Think about it…if you have self-control you’re going to show love and you will choose joy. If you have self-control you will be peaceful and you will be patient when you would rather unload your feelings on someone. When you have self-control you will be kind and not mean. If you have self-control you will be good and faithful. A person who has self-control will stay faithful in all things. Including to his wife or a lady to her husband. If you have self-control you will be gentle instead of being rude. Parents, this includes how we treat our children. I sometimes struggle with this too. In fact, I struggle with it a lot. I come home and often I find myself being less gentle with my children than I do with total strangers. Lord, help me.

My point is that I am growing to believe that the Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit placed self-control last for a reason. Think of all the problems that could be solved if we had self-control. We wouldn’t hate. We wouldn’t overeat. We wouldn’t be selfish. We wouldn’t be in debt. We wouldn’t cheat on our spouses (even on the computer, men). We would keep our word, our promises and our commitments. We’d show up on time and we’d think better of others than ourselves in all circumstances.

So, I have just sighed. I’ve stopped typing…



I’m thinking long and hard about this. Do I just muster up self-control? Is this just a process of “willing” myself to do better? No. Impossible. I’m still in this jar of clay and there’s no way I can do this in my power. I’ve got to continue to surrender myself and my will to the Father. I’m being sanctified day by day. Sanctification is “being made holy,” and I’ve got a lot of surrendering to do.

Let me show you some pictures of my mom’s side of the family. She was a McNiel before marrying my Dad and these are some pictures from a reunion we had this past weekend.

Here’s Clara and Andrew spending time with Pawpa Brown (my Father)…

I’m so blessed to have such a loving mother and father, Dave and Kathy Brown.

They do so much for me and my family. I couldn’t begin to list all the things they do for us on a daily basis. We live right beside of them and it’s a tremendous blessing.

We had a picture made of the family after the meal…

Afterwards, I took Andrew and Clara out to the church cemetery. We always meet each year at New Hope Baptist Church in Purlear, NC (right near my home).

You might ask, “Why in the world did you take your kids out to the cemetery…that’s so morbid.” Well, I don’t intend for it to be morbid. I just want to teach them about their ancestors. Here’s Andrew and Clara at the grave of my mom’s father and mother.

See the name beside of Clara? That’s her namesake, Annie CLARA McNiel. Talk about a lady! My grandmother, Clara was some kind of godly lady. She was truly “salt of the earth.”

Now here’s what is very interesting. Clara and Andrew noticed that many of the graves were like this…

“And such it is with life,” I told my children. I told them, “The Bible says that ‘life is like a vapor.'” And indeed it is. This tombstone was almost completely “gone.” Some of the tombstones dated back to the late 1700’s. I talked to the children about life and death. It was a great teachable moment. I told them that many in mom’s family were getting older and would pass away in the next 10-20 years and then, (assuming they are still alive), they would come by and say their gravestone. Clara said, “I want people to know I was a Christian.” I said, “Clara, there is nothing better that you could wish.”

And she was right. And if she learns how to surrender and develop self-control, she will be remembered as a good Christian. Truth is…Clara has better self-control than I do. My seven-year-old is teaching me!

One last thing… Speaking of family…Katy wrote a very nice blog post about her mother. It’s a tear-jerker. You can read it here…


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Did my title get your attention.

I’m voting for_________

Well, I’m not saying. Not publicly at least. I made up my mind a long time ago that I would not endorse a candidate for office publicly as a pastor. Why? I believe it’s my job to preach, teach and equip the body with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Endorse political candidates? I don’t see that as my calling. Thus, I will not publicly tell you who I’m voting for. However, if you ask me privately, that’s fine. I’m a citizen of this country and I’ll tell you who I’m voting for. Now, as you read this, you are thinking about Obama and Romney. I know you are. But, for that matter, I could have been talking about Dalton and McCrory. Or I could have been talking about two local candidates for school board, right? Sure.

But, the truth is, I am talking about Obama and Romney. I WILL be voting (early voting at that) for President. I know some Christians and non-Christians who say they are not voting for President this time around, because they don’t like their choices. Well, I’m not doing cartwheels either, but I do know that come November 7th, we will have either Obama or Romney and that’s a fact!

I love the words of Noah Webster from whom we get our dictionary. He said:

Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for yourselves rulers, just men who rule in the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good, so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republic-form of government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.

Amen and amen!

I believe it is critical that Christians seek the Lord and carefully consider the direction this country is headed. We are truly at a crossroads and I no longer am thinking about myself, but my children and future grandchildren. I recently blogged about this concern in some way, but I felt compelled to go a bit deeper.

I want you to know that we are not electing a Pastor or a Preacher to the White House. I do not have any misconception that I am voting for a religious leader for America (or for that matter for governor, or senator or commissioner). We are electing a man to oversee the government of the United States of America. Government was established by God (Romans 13) and I believe as the words of Jesus, “Render to Caesar that which is Caesars.” Some don’t think this includes voting, but I do. I believe we have a responsibility in electing men and women to serve the public sector: local, state and national government.

Let me give you a scenario that happened to me that might explain my position. A few years ago my doctor told me because I have cancer in my family that I needed a colonoscopy. Do you know what I asked him? I asked him, “Who’s the best qualified to do the job?” I didn’t ask my doctor if the person was a Christian. I asked him,”Who’s the best of my choices.” That’s how I feel about Obama and Romney. For you see, in my mind, there really is a clear choice on who is best qualified to lead this country.

Let me give you one example. The Bible says we are to help the poor. Therefore, some Christians believe this means using the government to force everyone to fulfill this Biblical mandate. I don’t. Those with this philosophy would tax Americans and take their money to give it to others…even many who refuse to work. The Bible also says (according to the Apostle Paul), “If a man won’t work, let him not eat.” Considering the fact that 1/3 of our tax dollars are now spent on social programs like Welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and the like, I’m very concerned about the direction we’ll take the next four years. As I mention these things, please know that many historians have concluded that a democratic republic (such as ours) can only work in a moral atmosphere. And if people can’t self-govern, then you must have the government to the “governing” for you. They (the government officials) don’t believe you (the public) are capable of doing so. I believe that’s what we now have in my humble opinion.

I believe the state has a legitimate function to protect her citizens, but this is limited and should not usurp the authority God has given to the Church, the family, marriage and to life itself (abortion). I read an interesting article on the subject last week. It’s entitled: Obama, Romney, Other: Who Should Christians Vote for in the 2012 Election. It can be found here. It’s a lengthy article, but worth the time.

Now for those of you who are still unsure, let me tell you what Tony Evans, the great black preacher from Dallas Texas says: “When it comes to how to vote, I tell [my congregation], make a sheet of paper with four columns on it. First column, whatever the issue is, second column, what the Democrats [party platform] say about the issue, third column what the Republicans [party platform] say about the issue, fourth column, what God says about the issue.”

God counsel Dr. Evans! Good counsel! And you should know about the party platforms. You should, as a Christian, know where the party you are voting for stands on marriage and life (abortion). Do you? This 8-minute video will give you details about the platforms found here. This is a Focus on the Family site called, CitizenLink. Be informed! You can also read both party platforms from the site indicated just above.

So what’s the bottom line? Well…prayer of course. Seek the Lord and do what His Spirit tells you to do. But, if you choose not to vote, please understand that integrity calls for you to remain silent for the next four years. 🙂

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Alarming Trends

I want to share with you some very alarming trends that once again calls for us all to pray for our nation. Case in point #1 I read an article (found here…) the other day that tells me something intuitively that I already knew. People in America are growing more and more “non-religious.” The Associated Press reports:

For the first time in its history, the United States does not have a Protestant majority, according to a new study. One reason: The number of Americans with no religious affiliation is on the rise.

The percentage of Protestant adults in the U.S. has reached a low of 48 percent, the first time that Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has reported with certainty that the number has fallen below 50 percent. The drop has long been anticipated and comes at a time when no Protestants are on the U.S. Supreme Court and the Republicans have their first presidential ticket with no Protestant nominees. Among the reasons for the change are the growth in nondenominational Christians who can no longer be categorized as Protestant, and a spike in the number of American adults who say they have no religion.

The Pew study, released Tuesday, found that about 20 percent of Americans say they have no religious affiliation, an increase from 15 percent in the last five years.

Here’s what’s really scary. The growth among those who say they have no religious affiliation has been most notable among people who are 18 to 29 years old. According to the poll, 34% of “younger millennials” – those born between 1990 and 1994 – have no religion. Among “older millennials,” born between 1981 and 1989, 30% are religiously unaffiliated: 4 percentage points higher than in 2007. It shouldn’t surprise us that those 18-29 were also more likely to identify themselves as atheist or agnostic. At this rate, in the next 50 years the majority of Americans will be pagan.

Thus (case in point #2) we should not be surprise that in California, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill recently banning counselors in the state from helping minors with unwanted same-sex attractions. In other words, counselors can’t tell a young adult under the age of 18 years of age who says they might be gay, that it’s wrong or try to dissuade them from moving toward a homosexual lifestyle. Those counselors who do could lose their license to practice. (Full article found here.) The article states:

David Pickup, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles, told CitizenLink the “egregious” bill “is abusive and damaging to minors.” “What am I supposed to tell a kid who’s crying in my office that says he’s been sexually abused before in his life and he wants help to resolve those causes of homosexuality?” Pickup said. “I have to tell him, ‘No, sorry, I can’t help you.’ ”

Thankfully, at least one organization now is filing a lawsuit to block the legislation in court.

Ready for another “sign of the time” (case in point #3)…another alarming trend? In Delaware, you can no longer spank your child. Under the new law, a parent causing “physical injury” (e.g., pain) to a child
under age 18 would be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and subject to one year in prison. A parent causing pain to a child who was 3 years of age or younger would be guilty of a class G felony and subject to two years in prison. The full article can be found here…

Now please don’t get me wrong. I’m 100% in favor of never hurting, injuring or causing harm to a child. But, please! The Bible is clear on this matter. God’s word says:

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. Proverbs 13:24

The word rod is NOT timeout, lost privileges or counting to 10. The “rod” is the Hebrew word “shebet,” and it means “small twig or branch.” Obviously you can’t hurt or damage a child with a small twig. Yet a twig on the buttocks can cause discomfort and thus create a way for the child to understand that he has crossed the line into blatant disobedience.

Proverbs 22:15 says: Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him. And Proverbs 23:13 says, “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.” Proverbs 29:15 says, “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself  brings shame to his mother.”

The writer of Hebrews says:

5 And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?…6 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” 7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9 Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. 11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Dear reader, do you think our nation is better off since we’ve abandoned the switch for “time-out?” Dr. Spock

File:Benjamin Spock.jpgstarted telling my parent’s generation that they shouldn’t spank and doctors started believing it and telling my generation that we should “never” spank. I remember after we took Katy for a physical when she was about 8 or 9 years old, He said, “You should never EVER spank a child.”

Well, I understand that there are folks out there who abuse children, but because of these few, we now are being told and thus believe we should abandon a time-tested Scriptural premise that’s been used for hundreds of years. So, we’ve abandoned the timeless, divinely inspired Word of God, because somehow I guess we think we are now smarter than God. We actually think we know better than God. I guess we believe we are more sophisticated and intelligent and thus, we have discarded His Word as archaic and “out of date.”

Now I will tell you that I seldom spanked or currently spank my children. We use a small, thin, wooden spoon to do so and we only use it when there has been an absolute blatant disregard for what they’ve been told and the disobedience is totally out of line. In fact, I can’t tell you when the last time I had to “use the spoon.” Just the mention of it seems to do the trick in our home. When I’ve had to use the spoon, I do so when I’m not angry and I only use 2 or 3 small little strokes. Does it sting or “smart?” Yes. But, injure? Absolutely not. Not even close. But, there is enough of a mild discomfort to be reminded that what was done was egregious.

I often say this, but God is not dumb and He stands outside of time and His Word is just as applicable for today as it was thousands of years ago. He knows what He wanted done to raise godly children. If you believe otherwise, then you have bought into evolutionary thinking that says we are now “more evolved” and smarter than God. That’s dangerous ground. And I will say this…if you trust the Word of God and the following of its principles for the very salvation of your soul, but you won’t follow the principles outlined in Scripture to discipline and raise your children, then you are being short-sited and duped by the Enemy.

Well…now for some good news. I was privileged to be at Olivet Baptist Church in Catawba, NC this week for Revival. What a wonderful time we had!!

It’s a wonderful church with a wonderful Pastor, Matt Rummage…

Matt’s wife, April leads the choir. I love the fact that children get to sing in the “adult” choir. Boy, they’ve got great smiles!

Katy and Kandace and the rest of the family came with me Tuesday night and they sung and played…

The good folks at Olivet would have to say if they were “revived” or not. But, I know this… I was encouraged by being there with them. They sent we off last night with a goody basket with homemade cookies and other goodies as well as the knowledge that I have some fantastic Christian brothers and sisters in the Catawba community! God bless you all!

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The build-up is on. Build up to what? Well, several things. Namely:

A wedding

A sendoff

and a family transition

In 32 days I’ll perform a ceremony that will create a domino effect in my home. A marked time of transition for the Brown family. And boy have I learned a lot through the years as we have built up to this.

It’s hard to believe this little girl is getting married…

From singing in church with her sister and mom…

To receiving gifts at a bridal shower given by the ladies of the church this past Sunday…

Where has the time gone? She’s all grown up…

So…it’s on…

The build up to the wedding. Want to know what I’m thinking?

Well…I don’t really know? How’s that for being crazy? My mind bounces from one thing to another and I think: “Oh no…she’s leaving! I won’t see her every day anymore! What are we going to do?” I have moments where my stomach flips like I’m going down the biggest roller coaster hill on the earth. I bite my lip and keep on going. But, there are times I cry. Happy tears and yes…sad tears. Not sad for Katy and Josh…but, for me and Pam, Kandace, Clara and Andrew.

There will be an empty place at the dinner table. As we hold hands before we say “grace” Andrew will by-pass Katy’s spot at the end of the table and reach to hold Clara’s hand. We’ve done that a couple of times recently and Andrew and Clara struggled with it. They didn’t say anything. They didn’t have to… I saw it in their eyes and on their faces. They both looked at me and their eyes said: “Help Daddy! Help!” Kandace and I have already had several discussions and I know Pam has as well.

We don’t try to hide the fact that Katy is leaving, but we don’t want to “beat it to death” either. We want to enjoy these remaining days. We don’t want them to be somber and melancholy. We want to rejoice! This is what we have prepared her to do. We have prepared her to “leave” not “stay.”

The Bibles says in Psalm 127:

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

Well, I’m blessed and one of the four arrows is getting ready to leave the quiver.

When I began writing my book on “Raising Christ-Centered Young Adults” a couple of years ago, I never dreamed I’d have a daughter getting married in 2012. It’s still hard to fathom. But, as I have thought and pondered over the last several weeks, I realize that the mission has been accomplished with Katy. She is indeed a “Christ-Centered” young woman. If I look at her life, that’s what I see. I don’t see her life centered on anything or anyone other than Christ and He has brought to her a young man who has centered his life on Christ as well.

So, isn’t that what it’s all about? Isn’t that what we pray for, hope for and dream for our children? Sure it is and so it’s almost upon us. The wedding…

But, you know what…I’ve had to look past Nov. 10th to say, December 10th. By then, everything will have died down and the Brown family will have a new routine with three children in the home and not four. The Isaacs home will have two, instead of one and thus the transitions will continue. And you know what? I couldn’t be more pleased, contented and satisfied. Does my heart hurt some? Yes, of course! But, this is life. This is marriage. This is raising children. This is watching a young lady go through her teen years with no rebellion. No season of “sowing wild oats,” which, by the way, you won’t find in Scripture. She has passed through childhood to adulthood. She’s done it the right way. Is she perfect? No. Have Pam and I done a perfect job? Absolutely NO! But, we have tried to follow the Scriptures and seek the ancient path of surrender to Christ and His ways.

And so, the build-up is on! In 32 days, there will be a wedding. But, 33 days from now will be just as important as 32 days from now. Because life goes on. And so it does with you. This too shall pass. We live through seasons of life and those seasons are marked by many emotions that go up and down. But, the one constant is Jesus Christ. He never changes. Praise His Name!

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Going Off The Cliff

Take a look at this picture. I showed it in the message I preached this past Sunday…

I believe this is a picture of our nation as we wrestle with our $16 trillion in debt. I had a dear friend send me an article from CNBC this week entitled:

US Is Debt Addict on Budgetary Crystal Meth

The article is absolutely gripping. Here are the first few paragraphs…

Stocks and bonds will be virtually worthless and gold and hard assets will be the only investments worth having unless the U.S. tames its addiction to debt and deficits, Pimco’s Bill Gross said Tuesday.

Bill Gross PIMCO
Tim Boyle | Bloomberg | Getty Images

In his widely followed monthly Pimco investor newsletter, the CEO of the company that runs the largest bond fund in the world paints a stark picture of the domestic financial picture.

He said the nation has lost the trust of financial entities including the Congressional Budget Office, International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements, each of which lately has published critiques of international finance.

“When all of them speak, we should listen and in the latest year they’re all speaking in unison,” Gross wrote. “What they’re saying is that when it comes to debt and to the prospects for future debt, the U.S. is no ‘clean dirty shirt,'” the latter reference a term Pimco has used to describe the nation’s standing compared to other debt-plagued nations.

“The U.S., in fact, is a serial offender, an addict whose habit extends beyond weed or cocaine and who frequently pleasures itself with budgetary crystal meth. Uncle Sam’s habit, say these respected agencies, will be a hard (and dangerous) one to break.” Full article found here.

I talked about this very subject on Sunday in my message entitled, “Christians and Government.” If you would like to watch the message, click here.

I received an email earlier tonight of a gentleman who watched it who said, “I want to thank you for your message Sunday. You really nailed it! I so very much appreciate your strength and courage that God has given to you to speak the truth.”

Here’s a section of the message…

Friends, we are in an absolute financial free-fall in this country! And when I talk about our $16 trillion debt, in case you are wondering what $1 trillion dollars looks like…here it is:

Let me help put this in even greater perspective. If you had $1 trillion dollars in one dollar bills and you laid them end to end, you could make a chain that stretches from the earth to the moon and back again 200 times before you ran out of one dollar bills!

What’s more…it would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one trillion dollar bills. And that’s just for 1 trillion dollars. We have a 16 trillion dollar debt! So it would take that military jet 224 years to reel out $16 trillion dollars. Dear friends…224 years is just 12 years shy of the total existence of our nation since 1776!

Here are the facts we must grapple with them as believers. Either Obama or Romney will be the next President. That’s a fact. Yes…you can support someone from an alternative political party and that may serve as what I call a “conscience vote,” but pragmatically speaking, that will merely aid in putting either the Democrat or Republican nominee in the White House. Again, that’s a fact.

Consequentially, as Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action stated in the Washington Times, “Christians have just three real choices this election: (1) choose not to vote, (2) vote for Obama, or (3) vote for Romney.” I believe Barber is right, but there is probably a fourth option and that is to vote for the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, so there might be a fourth option.

But the two main candidates for President not only have stark policy differences, but whoever wins will likely nominate two Supreme Court Justices. Why is that important? Because the judicial branch of our three-branch republic has more power than anyone. These unelected judges, who are appointed by the President for life, can overturn the President and the Legislative branch made up of the house and senate by declaring something unconstitutional. Thus, those nine Supreme Court Justices will have an enormous ability to dictate the direction of this country. So I ask, do you want liberal judges or conservative judges? Judges who stick to the constitution or judges who rule from the bench. You see the results of this election will set the nation’s course for generations to come, because these justices serve till they die. There will likely be two judges selected by the next President during his four-year term. Take a look at this picture…

The two seated on the right, Justices Anthony Kennedy and Ruth Bader Ginsburg will likely retire in the next four years.

What is more, you know that the 2012 election is not just an election for President. There are critical decisions to be made about who will serve in Congress. There are gubernatorial elections, races for state legislatures, and important judicial contests — none of which believers can neglect without creating a vacuum that a sinful and spiritually blind influence might negatively fill.

It should also be understood, whether voting for President or any other candidate, that no politician or political party represents the Christian worldview perfectly. Do you understand that? Sometimes the array of contenders provide for less than desirable choices. Nevertheless, Christians should be informed on the issues and vote for the office-seeker whose personal standards, record of public service, campaign pledges and party platform are most consistent with your own Christian convictions as they are guided by the Word of God. Do you vote based on the Word of God?

You see, it’s my job as one of your shepherds to tell you should vote based on God’s Word. The demand for every follower of Christ is to make certain that his or her selections in the voting booth have been made by applying the judgment and wisdom dictated by following Biblical principles. Period!

Many folks have been asking for some time, “Isn’t there anybody else running…I don’t like these choices.” Well, it might be a better question to ask, “Who will be chosen?” Because come November 7th, either by voting or not voting, voting intelligently or unintelligently, voting biblically or unbiblically, this nation will have made her choice – for better or for worse and we’ll have either Romney or Obama.

So, people ask me, “Kevin, what should we do about this election? Should we vote?” Well, in my mind, this is strictly a matter of conscience that is between you and the Lord. I believe we must seek the Lord and ask Him what party, (and that includes their party platform…their public statement of what they believe…) I believe we must ask which one most represents what you believe the Bible teaches. Now notice I said, “What party stands for or most represents what the Bible teaches.”

You see, the fact is…most Americans, and that includes a lot of Christians, will continue to vote their wallet instead of what the Bible says. Yes, I understand this country is at a critical time and is at a crossroads. Our fiscal and economic condition is horrible. To put it in medical terms…we are on life support and hoping that the Chinese and other foreign governments, who own our debt, won’t pull that plug.

60+ million Americans watched the debate last night and there are just over 30 days before the election and it will be interesting to see what happens. But, I want to tell you this. Whoever our next President may be, he MUST deal with the national debt of $16 trillion. If he doesn’t, then we will simply decimate our children and grandchildren’s future. So, I’m willing to live on less so I don’t pass off our debt gluttony to these folks…

You see, those four young people in that photo above mean more to me than my comfort and future retirement or pleasure. They mean more to me than a 401-k. They mean more to me than my own life. So, I’m willing to hear a politician say, “Get ready to hurt.” I’m ok with a politican saying, “You are not going to have any Social Security if you are under the age of 50.” Why? Because we are BROKE! We are broke dear reader. We must stop the bleeding and do so NOW or we are not going to survive as a nation.

You see God is not obligated to America. We are no more special in His eyes than any other country except for the nation of Israel. God promises in His Word that the nation of Israel will survive because Christ will rule and reign from the throne of David. So, we are not invincible as a nation.

Now please understand, as Christians, (followers of Christ), we don’t have to fear because God is not going to forsake us. If we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all the things we need will be added to us. But, it does not mean that we won’t suffer. Why? Because we are part of a nation who is choosing to “go it alone,” without God. So, we must be prepared and ready to live on less and be willing to make great sacrfices. Do we have the appetite to do so as a nation? We will see…

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Sea Turtles and Babies

Last week when we were at Holden Beach, NC…we saw this on a walk down the beach…

That’s a sea turtle nest that is being protected and watched. Notice the sign? It says: “Sea Turtle Protection Area.” Here’s a lady teaching about Sea Turtles and the need to protect them.

Now, can I ask you a question? Why does the government protect sea turtles and not babies in mothers’ wombs? Get this…only about 100 yards from the Sea Turtle area was this…

A dead shark, of course. It was about 3 feet long. Yet, obviously sharks aren’t “endangered,” so who cares, right? It just got me thinking. Have we really regressed so much as a society that we value spotted owls, stranded whales and sea turtle eggs over human life? These folks were protecting these eggs like something crazy! Look at the crowd!!

I was just blown away by all of this! Aren’t we perhaps just a little nuts about this? Look at this… They even dug a canal from the “womb”…

As I stood there and watched all of this I thought to myself, “Dear Lord…how messed up we are we that we care so much about sea turtles and not human life.” Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for saving sea turtles…but, what about babies?

May God forgive us for sacrificing our children to the god of Molech that is today called “abortion.” In the Old Testament, pagan nations would sacrifice their children to Molech, a god made by the hands of man. He was a fire god that would only be appeased by the offering of the firstborn. So, pagans, (including a King of Israel, named Ahaz) would throw their children in the fire to this god called Molech. Amazing…a god that they had made with their own hands. How crazy is that? Can you believe it?

Yet, we have done no less today. We have made a god of: “don’t intrude on my life” and “I need a career” and “I just want to finish college…” and “We just didn’t want any more.” So, we may not be worshipping statues and stones and carved wood, but we’ve made gods of:

no intrusion…



we’ve met our limit…

And, yes…those words that I just typed will make some uncomfortable and others mad. Yet the Bible says in Psalm 139:13-16

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you     when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Jeremiah said in his book of prophecy: “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…'” (Jeremiah 1:4-5a)

God knows us before we were even formed in our mother’s wombs! That’s “life” inside a womb, not a blog of tissue, folks! Life begins in the mind of God even before He places that life into the woman.

Please, no hate-mail. I’m stating simply what the Bible says. You see, I’m not concerned about what the culture says is “politically correct.” I’m concerned about what the eternal Word of God says…and the Bible will always go “counter” to the culture. And just in case you are wonderfing…the Word of God is timeless and not bound by time or seasons because God stands outside of time and He is not dumb.

He knew what He was giving to us (mankind) when He breathed the words into David’s and Jeremiah’s minds centuries ago and He knew it would apply to our day as well. So I will espouse the Word of God and not the words of man. Would you expect anything less from a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I sure hope not. So, let’s save the turtles…yes…but for goodness sake…WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES!


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