
Archive for March, 2014

Helping people. I guess it’s in your nature if you are a pastor, but I’ve always wanted to help people. I guess I’m a people-pleaser and buddy, that’s hard when you are preaching from the Bible, because you’re seldom going to please folks. But, in my heart of hearts, I love helping people.

One of the ways I hope I’m doing this is through my Daily Devotions… http://dkevinbrowndailydevotions.wordpress.com/

If you want to sign-up for the devotions, please click here: http://mpbc.ws/emailsubscriptions/

Obviously, you are reading this blog. That’s another way I try to help and encourage folks. I also try to do so with my books. And I’m pleased to announce my next one is now available on Kindle for 99 cents.

You can’t beat that!

Click above (right below the book cover) if you’d like it on your Kindle. If you want to know what the Bible says about relationships…jump on in to this little book. It’s only 31 pages. It should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to read it cover to cover. You can order it from my publisher in hard copy form if you like by going here…


Can I be totally honest? If you are a parent who has young children, you need to consider getting this book and reading it just so you can be apprised of a way of teaching and training your children. Parents, I know you want the best for your children academically and athletically and for them to be well-rounded. Well, the information in this book will help them to be prepared and equipped emotionally and spiritually for the challenges of our sex-crazed culture.

For those at MPBC, I’m happy to announce that I’ll have 200 books in hand by Sunday!! Woohoo!! They are $5. Here’s the deal. I make pennies…and I mean pennies on the book. I have to order the books from my publisher and pay for them out of pocket to sell to you. So, I’m making an investment on the front-end because I wish SO BADLY someone would have told me this stuff before I started “whole-hog dating.”

I want you to be equipped with everything on the menu. What I’m offering to you in the book is filet mignon. It’s an expensive proposition and most won’t pay the price. They’ll choose hamburger or a cheap sirloin. I get that. But, some will go for gold! They’ll want the best for their children in the purity arena and I’m convinced this is it. So, I hope you’ll give it a read.

I just want to help people.


Isn’t that a neat picture? It’s at dawn last Friday. It’s a picture of the church as the sun was coming up. A bunch of guys were cooking chicken to raise money for our Mexico/Texas mission work this summer.


You talk about awesome barbeque chicken! Wow! Thanks for all the men who came out at “O-dark-thirty” to cook! And thanks to all who worked in the kitchen to box and deliver!

Why do we do this? We just want to help people come to Christ.

See these ladies serving…


That’s Pam, my lovely bride, slicing ham for members of a family who had come to the church after a funeral. Helping Pam is Gena Hodges and Margie Ellis. Not pictured were Jerry and Gwynda Marlowe. Those folks were helping this family have a good hot meal after the burial of their mother/grandmother. Ladies in our church brought food all afternoon on Saturday for this family. Another example of helping people.

For folks who are local…here’s a way to help people. We can give blood.

Mike Kerhoulas asked me to let you know that the Mt. Pleasant Masonic Lodge & North Wilkesboro Masonic Lodge (Temple Street, N. Wilkesboro,  beside of Gardner Glass) are both holding Blood Drives on this Thursday.

Mt. Pleasant’s Blood Drive will be held from 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm. This THURSDAY, MARCH, 27TH


These are all ways of helping people! I’m glad to have the health to do it! Praise the Lord!


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A New Car

Did you read that title? You read it right. A new car.

Want to see it?

New Car

That’s a 2011 Toyota Camry. And it’s going to replace this beauty…

Taurus 1

That’s my beloved 1995 Ford Taurus. They look alike don’t they? They are both silver. Now get this. This is an amazing story. A guy came to my house and I wasn’t home. So, he parked the car and left a note on the windshield with a phone number. My dad saw it and called me and gave me the number. Bottom line, the guy said, “I was told you could probably use a car to replace your 19-year-old car.” And as the old saying goes, “He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Needless to say, “To God be the glory!” I was speechless and that doesn’t happen to me much. 🙂

I continue to see the provision of God in my life and the life of my family. Only He can get the glory. I didn’t ask for a car. I didn’t say a word to anyone. My old car is still a good car…but, it’s 19 years old. I know it’s a matter of time and it’s going to die on me. So, the Lord blessed above and beyond (as usual)!

So, the ole Silver Bullet is for sale. Need a car? $600 and she’s yours. No joke. I’m trying to get enough money to pay the taxes and tag and on the new car and that’s about the size of it. It’s got 205,000 miles, but I just replaced all the hoses and belts and it’s got almost new tires on it. (Truly, the tires are worth about as much as the car.) The book on the car is $700-$1,000. I’m asking $600 just to try to move it.

Now I am not a cold and heartless person. You know that. So, I’m going to miss the ole Silver Bullet. The luster might be gone, but it’s still a good car. I mean that. Here’s a picture of me driving it for the last time…

Taurus 2

So, time moves on and so do cars, but when you get a good one, you’re blessed. I have been! Thank you Lord for keeping her going. I felt like the Silver Bullet was like the children of Israel’s shoes and clothes in the wilderness for 40 years. They didn’t wear out and grew with them.

So, if you see me on the road and you’ve known me over the last almost two decades, you’ll not recognize me in this…

Camry 2

But if you look hard…you’ll see my bald head and my big ole smile! I’ll be praising God and hoping for 19 years out of another silver car. 🙂

By the way…

It’s a big Happy 9th Birthday to this little guy!!

Andrew 2

I sure do love that little boy! He’s changed a lot in the last 5 1/2 years since we’ve had him. He’s been through a lot. Tons of surgeries, healings and recoveries, speech therapy and just tons and tons of love.

We went out to a restaurant tonight to celebrate his birthday. Want to know where that is?

Olive Garden? Nope!

Red Lobster? Nope!

Applebee’s? Nope!

Ruby Tuesday’s! Nope!

We offered all of those to him. His choice.  

Wendy’s Hamburgers.

Seriously! He’s a great little dude and we praise the Lord for him. We topped off the evening at Sweet Frog for some dessert.

sweet frog

And a big Happy Birthday to this young lady (my lovely sister):


She’s aged a lot more gracefully than her bald-headed brother! Happy Birthday Sis! 

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Back from DC

I had a great trip to D.C. to the Elders/Pastors Conference there. I am totally refreshed. Why? Because I feel that while there are many things that can be improved in the church I help to elder/pastor, I’m excited that I believe we have a healthy church.

What is a healthy church? My opinion is a healthy church is a church that cares about what Jesus cares about: PEOPLE. But, it goes beyond that. What does it mean to love people? It means that you will equip them to reach more people. It means that you will equip and train those people to be disciple-makers within their circle of influence. It means there is a sense of God’s presence in the church as the Word of God is taught and preached. To love people means you will love the God of all people and that means you will obey and follow the Word of this God in seeking to reach and then disciple those people.

So, I was refreshed and encouraged. Again…there are areas that need work…but, I believe we are on the right path in following the tenets of Scripture. What I was asked over and over by other pastors/elders is: “How big is your church?” I told them we are averaging 500+. They then asked me, “How many Pastors do you have on staff?” I said, “Two.” One man said to me, “Are you an idiot?” He said it respectfully…but honestly. I said, “Yes, we’ve made a lot of strides and we just approved a plurality of (more than one) Elders a few weeks ago.” That’s encouraging to me as well.

The church in Washington where the conference was held is Capitol Hill Baptist Church. I showed a couple of pictures of the church in the last post. But here’s a picture of inside the church.

capitol hill3

The church had about 850 people there on Sunday. I thought about that and I said, “Well…we’ve consistently got over half of that with just two staff pastors…maybe we are crazy.” They have six staff pastors and a total of 21 elders. Wow!! So, I’m excited to see what God does in the days ahead at our church as the Lord moves in the hearts and lives of our people to bring the leadership we need.

This is a picture of the group of Elders/Pastors in one of the sessions.

capitol hill 4

Many of the men brought leaders in their church with them. Some were elders, some were men desiring to learn more about elders. I was blessed to have Dale Jennings and Ken Bryan with me. I call us the three amigos. Or at least we are the Verizon Wireless Bars (signal strength). 🙂

Capitol Hill 5

I appreciate those men more than I can say. They are already helping me immensely. Dale is helping with counseling and introducing new people to the church in our New Member Meetings and a ton of other things that I simply don’t have time to do with a church our size. Ken is helping with Mission team leadership and vision and direction. Thanks men!!

I went down to the capitol building to see if I could help out with our Congress and the President, but they said they didn’t need my help. 🙂

Kevin capitol

Oh well…I tried! The church isn’t called Capitol Hill Baptist for nothing. It’s just a matter of a few blocks from the Capitol.

capitol 6

One of the highlights of the weekend was being shown gracious hospitality in the home of Pastor Mark Dever on Sunday after the morning service. Mark has been the lead teaching pastor/elder for many, many years.


He says, “I’m not going anywhere. I plan on finishing out here.” I couldn’t agree more wholeheartedly. Pastors who jump around from church to church have no real interest in pouring out their lives for the flock. They do so until more money comes calling or the “going gets tough.” Can you imagine a shepherd ever leaving and abandoning his flock for any reason? Jesus sure didn’t. This is another reason to choose elders from within the flock and not parachute men into the church who will usually not be there longer than a few years. I’m totally committed to Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. I don’t plan on going anywhere. God called me to shepherd and lead this flock and I love the flock with all my heart. I’m excited about the years to come and the opportunity to raise up and train up men who will one day take the shepherd’s staff from me as the lead teacher. In the meantime, I’m praying for more men whom God will raise up as shepherds to come alongside me and Brad to help in the work.

I’ll share more with you in the days ahead. Bottom line: I’m pumped! Thank you Lord for the refreshment and fresh perspective! Thanks to the church for sending us and for our families allowing us to go!

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Heading to D.C.

I’m heading for Washington D.C. on Thursday. I’ll be back next Monday night. I’m going to see President Obama to see if I can give him some pointers on leadership and ObamaCare.

Nah! Just kidding…

I’m actually heading to our fair nation’s capitol with a couple of other guys in the church to an “Elders Conference” at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington.

Capitol Hill Baptist Church 2

Care to see the Agenda?

9Marks Weekender – March 13-17, 2014 at Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Thursday – 3/13

5:45p                Welcome & Orientation; Main Hall (Please plan to eat dinner before arriving)

Overview of 9Marks

7:00p                Elders Meeting; West Hall – light snacks provided

            (Warning:  This meeting has been known to go later than midnight)

Friday – 3/14

9:15a                Elders Meeting Q&A; Main Hall (optional)

10:00a              History of CHBC; Main Hall

11:30a              Introductions; Main Hall

12:30p              Lunch; Fellowship Hall (basement) – Regional Seating

1:45p                Church Discipline; Main Hall

3:00p                Afternoon Seminars: Meet with Staff on… (Choose one)

  • Adult Education; Memorial Parlor (basement)
  • Service Planning; Blue Room (basement)
  • International Missions (one time only); West Hall

4:00p                Afternoon Seminars: Meet with Staff on… (Choose one)

  • Adult Education; Memorial Parlor (basement)
  • Service Planning; Blue Room (basement)
  • Church Revitalization & Planting (one time only); Main Hall

5:45p                Dinner; Fellowship Hall (basement)

7:00p                Membership Matters Course Part I; West Hall

Saturday – 3/15

7:00a                The Slow Joe Mall Jog

8:30a                Light Continental breakfast provided; South Hall

9:00a                Discipling & Counseling; Main Hall

10:00a              Choosing & Transitioning to Elders; Main Hall

11:00a              Congregationalism; Main Hall

12:15p               Lunch; on your own, Children’s Ministry, or Group Lunch with an elder (sign-ups on site)

4:30p                Bookstall open for Weekenders; West Hall (optional)

5:30p                Dinner; Fellowship Hall (basement)

6:30p                Church Polity – Case Studies; West Hall

7:30p                Sermon Preparation/Preaching; West Hall

Sunday – 3/16

9:30a                Core Seminars (Sunday School); meet in West Hall

10:30a              Sunday Morning Service; Main Hall

1:00p                Lunch with an elder; an elder’s home

4:00p                Elders Meeting; Fellowship Hall (basement)

5:00p                Sunday Evening Service; Main Hall

7:00p                Members Meeting; Main Hall

9:00p                Service Evaluation; Fellowship Hall – dinner provided

Monday – 3/17

7:45a                Leadership 101: Raising Up Leaders (optional)

8:30a                Evaluation of weekend; West Hall – coffee and doughnuts provided

9:30a                Bookstall open for Weekenders; West Hall (optional)

**Best Practices Sale of 9Marks Titles**

It’s a nice looking church. They have about 1,000 people each Sunday.

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

I’m looking forward to learning more about Elder Leadership and it should be a wonderful time of growth and introspection for me. I’ll fill you in when I get back.

Kandace snapped this shot of our latest snowfall.

House in the Snow

Pretty huh! Here’s a good shot of Clara and Andrew’s snowman. They wanted to build him all by themselves.

snowman 2

Nice job for two 8-year-olds. You know we pretty much hit the winter forecast on the nose. Back in October I said this:

I shared with you a while back that our snowfall this year looks to be around 25-30% more than normal. For western North Carolina that means about a foot of snow with 2-4 significant events. Now remember something about your bald-headed blogger… I’m a novice weather-guy, but I know enough to be dangerous and that’s about it. But, I read and study other weather bloggers and scientists and so I’ll try to sum some things up for ya!

It looks like we are going to have a more active southern jet stream with a weak El Nino. (El Nino is good for active winters for the south.) west and that bodes well for colder ground temperatures that will keep the air from Canada colder as it comes south. Past history teaches us that wet October’s mean colder and wetter winters.

Looks like the south might be in for a couple of ice storms. You’ll note…North Carolina will be caught in the middle of snow/ice, as usually seems to be the case.

Okay. Now for the drum roll please for the updated forecast from: LiveWeatherBlogs.com (a very reputable weather blog):

Snow Days Location Avg. 2013-2104
12.7 Asheville 13.2″ 18.0″
17.5 Banner Elk 38.7″ 50.4″
16.9 Boone 35.3″ 46.1″
25.5 Grandfather Mountain 53.5″ 66.7″
  5.6 Highlands 11.8″ 14.0″
  2.6 Kerr Scott Reservoir   9.7″ 12.4″
  1.4 Morganton   3.9″ 5.8″
  3.3 Oconaluftee   6.5″ 7.8″
  2.6 Pisgah Forest   7.5″ 9.1″
1.4 Waterville   4.1″ 6.3″
Average Snow & Forecast
Snow Days Location Avg. 2013-2014
  2.4 Chapel Hill   3.7″ 5.6″
  1.9 Charlotte   4.3″ 6.6″
  1.7 Concord   3.7″ 4.1″
  0.7 Durham   1.9″ 3.2″
  0.2 Gastonia   0.9″ 1.8″
  3.9 Greensboro   7.6″ 10.1″
  1.3 Henderson   2.7″ 3.9″
  2.3 Hickory   7.7″ 10.0″
  0.9 High Point   1.8″ 3.6″
  4.2 Mount Airy   9.3″ 14.7″
  1.7 Raleigh   3.9″ 6.4″ 

Well… I think it was a pretty good forecast overall. Again…I’m a novice, but it’s fun looking at the weather. In Wilkes County (Kerr Scott Reservoir above), we pretty much hit that 12+ inch mark. In fact, eastern Wilkes County was closer to 20 inches. The first big storm we had this winter had a “dry slot” in it that held down totals in Western Wilkes, where I am. But, overall…we hit the numbers pretty well.

It’s looking like we are going to have a near normal summer for temperatures but a bit below normal in precipitation (especially the more south you go into SC and GA).

Okay…want to get a “heads-up” for next winter? Some of you are thinking, “Are you serious?” Yep. Winters run in patterns just like an individual winter can set up a pattern. The winters of 1917/18, 1957/58, 2002/03 were very similar to what this winter and next winter are going to look like for us. So, expect a wet and cold winter again in 2014/15.

You heard it here first from your handy-dandy…bald-headed…novice meteorologist!!!

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Old-timers say, “The apples don’t fall far from the tree.” I will have to agree. That’s another way of saying that some things just run in the family. I’ve gotten my book finished and it will be out by April and Katy is just about finished with her book. It will be published by July 1st. My book is about dating and her book is entitled “The Unbroken Road.” My book lays out what the Bible says about trusting God’s timing for the “one and only” that He has for your life and Katy’s book shows how that can be lived out. Katy will describe how hard that is… But, she’ll also describe how gratifying that is. Want to read an excerpt of it? It’s good stuff:

“Here comes the moment you have all been waiting for!” Daddy proudly said. “Katy is now going to give her very first kiss away.”

            Josh looked at Daddy, his eyes begging for the coming words.

            “Josh, you may now kiss your bride.”

            It was slow motion. This moment I had imagined for years. This moment that many said was an impossible destination, a foolish dream. This instant when the symbol of my purity would be proclaimed. I had arrived. My heart was untorn, unbroken and still in one piece, thanks be to God and only God. It was time to give it away. The wait was over. The blessing of saving my kiss was about to be received… and given.

            My heart sped as Josh put his hand on my neck. Leaning in, I felt a wave of pure desire wash over me. I knew what to do even if it wasn’t going to be perfect.

            We kissed.

            It was worth it.

            It was undoubtedly worth the wait. Yes, that wait which had been a lot harder than I had imagined. It was worth each step of that journey. What of that piece of paper I had ripped to shreds years before? The paper that had said, “I love you.” Maybe, just maybe, I was meant to love Josh from the very beginning. Perhaps my heart even knew it so long ago. However, I had tried so desperately to awaken that love at the wrong time. The love that was meant for now, I had wanted to arouse too soon. Years ago, in that moment of pain and hurt as I had ripped the paper apart, weeping uncontrollably, God had been saving me. Through the pain I was rescued. It seemed to be a pattern in my life. This pattern where I faltered and He always picked me up. His timing was so much more perfect than mine and in that moment I knew it was so very true.

Here’s the picture of that first kiss:

First Kiss

Want to read more? You can this summer! I can’t wait!!

Here’s Katy’s blog post about it…

My Book

I’ll admit it. I love to write. Since I was a little girl, I have written in journals. Those journals and diaries are now stacked in a drawer in mine and my husband’s bedroom. Each jot and tittle is precious to me, because they help me remember all that was.

When you love to write in journals, why not blog? So I have blogged for a few years now and have enjoyed every second. Well, if you love to blog, then why not write a book? So, after I got married I started this long journey of writing a book. It started out as pages of mess and unorganized confusion and began turning into something good. Slowly but surely to 70,000 words. Some chapters came easier and some brought me to tears and took weeks to pour out. Understand, that every word is true. It is the story of my life. Yes, I know you may be wondering what I could possibly have to write about, but I tell you, we all have a story. Mine is full of the deepest fears, beautiful childhood, lonely days, infertility, miraculous mission work, almost giving my heart away, saving myself for true, biblical love, and so much more… though not exactly in that order.

In the end I can say one thing: God was faithful every step.

Sometimes I felt like I might break. I felt like the road most traveled would be easier, but God rescued me and He guided me forward. He gave me a testimony with very few scars and taught me that a good story doesn’t have to be one laced with regrets (though it can be), it can be one that is unbroken.


I’m so excited to tell you that my book, The Unbroken Road will be officially out and available on July 1, 2014! I look forward to letting you deep inside my heart and hopefully giving you a glimpse of God’s amazing grace in my life. So if you have wondered why I’ve been such a lousy blogger these last few months, know this dear friends, I’m still writing! Here soon I will be right back here much more often since this will be my “go to” place to write it all out again.

I love you all more than you know! This book is for each of you and I can’t wait till it’s in your hands… and out of my head!

Praise the Lord for what He’s going to do to touch hearts and lives of families and young people, particularly young girls in the years to come. I desire to touch hearts with my words and so does my oldest daughter. I guess it runs in the family. 🙂

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Just some odds and ends tonight…

Let me start with Legos… Who doesn’t love ’em! My little boy sure does!

Lego-Woody and BuzzWe had a wonderful time at the Lego convention last weekend in Raleigh. Josh and Katy drove up from the Marine base on the coast and joined us. So, get ready for a load of Legos pictures. The life size models you are seeing are all made from Legos. Amazing!!!


Here’s one of my personal favorites. I loved R2D2 and C3P0 when I was a kid!


One of the cool things at the convention is that you could make stuff. One of the areas of creativity was the tower-making section. Josh and Andrew were building up a storm…

Lego-tower building

Finally a lady came by who had “STAFF” written on her shirt and said, “That’s tall enough guys.” Josh said, “Yes ma’am!” So here’s the finished product:

Lego-tall enough

We stayed overnight in a hotel because the convention lasted till 8:30 pm. That was wonderful! Of course, Andrew got back to the hotel room and before bedtime he just HAD to put together the fire truck I bought him.


It was great fun being with all the family…

Holiday Inn

See the smiles on Katy’s and Kandace’s faces? They always enjoy reuniting. Can I remind any siblings who are a bit older to remember that you won’t always have your brother or sister with you. Enjoy the time you have with each other.

When we got home on Saturday evening…even Clara got into the Lego act…


Legos. It’s total creativity. You have to create to build with Legos. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy the fact that Andrew like to play with them. I want him to explore and create. So much of how children are educated today is totally cookie-cutter. There is little self-expression and creativity. Legos provides total self-expression and creativity.

Speaking of creating… Take a look at this wonderful concoction Andrew and I whipped up for our annual Cake Bake to raise money for our summer mission projects in Mexico/TX:

making oreo dessert

Oreo Cookie Delight!!! OOOOOOIE!!!!

Finished product…

Andrew and me

Notice that faint chocolate mustache over Andrew’s top lip? Don’t tell anyone…we ate about 4 Oreos each!! We had to taste test you know. 🙂

Want to see some of the other great cake creativity? Here’s a Reese’s Cup Cake:

Reese's cake

Check out this Bear Cake. You could eat the ears, legs and arms! Sounds cannibalistic…but, boy it was YUMMY!

Teddy Bear Cake

Check out this creation! It’s of the church in Mexico…

Temple cake

Now this was one of my favorites.

Andersons-Paul cake

I’ve been teaching about the Apostle Paul’s love for the church at Thessalonica. See Paul? He writing at a desk and he’s worn out. He’s resting on his arm. And there’s the Mediterranean Sea and all of Paul’s missionary journeys. Isn’t that the coolest thing? (I got to eat a piece of Paul’s arm. That sounds crazy too!)

Check out this delectable Chocolate cake…

chocolate cake

It had chocolate covered strawberries too! Man oh man! It was awesome!

Get this! We raised over $2,800! Every penny of that will be used to reach souls in Texas and Mexico this summer as we continue to partner with our brothers and sisters and encourage them in their walk with Christ.

Have I told you that I love flowers? Well I do. And I’m very secure in my manhood. 🙂 I just happen to love flowers. Now let me show you something. Here’s my Christmas Cactus. And it’s blooming for a second time! Twice in one season! It bloomed a few days before Christmas and it’s in bloom again!

Christmas Cactus

I guess I’ve got a green thumb. But who’s bragging? 🙂

I see a lot of potted plants and flowers because I’m in a lot of hospitals and rest homes. Here’s one of the strongest ladies I know. Her name is Geraldine Combs.

Geraldine Combs

She has cancer. But, would you just look at the smile on her face? It’s contagious! She has a cheerful heart that does good like a medicine. Do you know people like her? Can I admit to you that I complain way too much. Not Geraldine. She is one of the strongest ladies I know. Strong how? In her faith. She uses her cancer for the glory of God. She reminds me of Becky Lynn Black. I think women handle things better than men. I’d like to tell you that I would be as strong if I had cancer, but I’m not sure that I would. Thanks for being such a champion for Christ Ms. Geraldine!

See this note… I love that verse… 

Judges 5-31

This verse is posted in the home of David and Kathryn Hall. We only get to see this wonderful family 2-3 times per year because they live in Raleigh. But, our Legos adventure in Raleigh made the visit perfect!

Halls and Browns

Truly the Halls are like the sun rising at full strength in our lives and we love you dearly Halls!

Kandace told me about this great video about the truth about Bikinis. Give it a listen…

Oh…did you hear that the homeschool family from Germany that was going to be deported are going to be allowed to stay in the country? Here they are…


The Obama Administration had made clear that they had to go back to Germany (where they would have likely been arrested, because homeschooling is illegal). The Supreme Court refused to hear the case yesterday, but in a stunning turn of events the Department of Homeland Security said today that they can stay.

A World magazine article summarized the situation…

The Romeikes fled Germany in 2008, where they faced fines and the possibility of having their children removed from their home because they didn’t send them to state-run or state-sanctioned schools. The Romeikes are Christians and believed the secular schools would be a bad influence on their seven children. An immigration judge in the United States initially granted them asylum, but federal courts ruled the German ban on homeschooling did not amount to persecution because it applies to all citizens equally. As is custom, the Supreme Court did not give any reason for declining to hear the case. The Obama administration fought the family’s appeal every step of the way, making today’s news even more surprising.

This was a miracle! God still moves!!

Proverbs 21: 1 “The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord, He guides it wherever He pleases.”

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